I should be grading today. In fact, my school laptop gaped at me in shock and disgust as I reached for my personal MacBook to begin this post. But something has been on my mind this weekend, that Mr. Rogers quote that reappears in the media every so often, especially in the wake of some time of tragedy or despair: "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." I keep thinking about this quote because I keep thinking about all of the people who have shown up recently as "helpers" in my own life and how grateful I am for their appearance. You see, I am not someone who asks for help. In fact, I do everything possible to make it seem as though I do not need help and instead make myself available to help others. If I had to choose an animal that best fits my personality, I would love to say something cool and majestic like a lioness, but in reality it's the duck. I am gliding across the water on the surface, but paddling furiously underneath. (...
Thoughts on conceiving, carrying, and caring for a tiny human